1 Day Resilience: Bounce Back Stronger - 4th September 2019
Resilience is key to building and maintain workplace wellbeing.
It is the fuel of healthy high performance within teams.
In any working environment where employees are vulnerable or feel overwhelmed, resilient leadership is instrumental in preventing pressures and demands from building up to breaking point. Working environments can be very demanding, with excessive workloads and pressures affecting the wellbeing of staff are having a detrimental impact on them. Our resilience training gives you the tools to manage this and develop your resilience to create sustainable change.
Who should attend:
- Any staff member that would like to further develop resilience.
What we cover:
- What are our Emotional habits
- Clarity of our inner dialogue
- Impact on your inner dialogue on our emotions
- Explore our core values
- Handling emotions in the workplace
- Gaining awareness of our emotional resilience
- Self regulation
- Self awareness
- Understanding Emotional Intelligence
The aims of the course:
- Investigate the process for improving one’s emotional intelligence
- Learn to recognise and pay attention to all our emotions
- Understand our own core values
- Learn how to change emotional habits
- Incorporate emotions in your decision making process
- Be aware of the non-verbal messages you send others
- Learn to use humour to relieve stress
- Changing our internal dialogue to support our resilience
- How to replace negative internal habits
Dates: 4th September 2019
Location: Virgin Money Lounge, Centre of Cardiff
3 Day Coaching - 20/21/22 Nov 2019
Elegant solution focused conversations that supports resilience
This 3 day package combines a variety of skills that support leaders who have stepped into a higher role. The tools learnt during these days will support an individual with the inner confidence to challenge staff in a strong, graceful manor. They will build upon skills to maintain accountability and hold difficult conversations within the workplace.
Developing a coaching culture within your establishment can provide leaders with rich tools and resources to drive performance. Leaders are self- reflective practitioners, which can support the development of a coaching culture within the workplace.
Who should attend:
- Senior and middle leaders
- Newly appointed leaders
Aim of the programme:
- Develop coaching culture across departments/ teams
- How to use effective questioning techniques with our teams
- Understand the key skills and models for coaching and be able to apply these in a coaching relationship across departments
- Sustainability of techniques – Learn a variety of tools and techniques which will enable you to coach in a variety of contexts across the whole workplace
- Look in depth at Individual learning styles (NLP Techniques) to best tailor goals and structures
- Understand sensory acuity of others
- Emotional Intelligence with staff (EQ)
- Get a critical understanding of the role and responsibilities of the workplace coach and mentor
- Defining the difference between coaching and mentoring
- Develop deep and rich questioning techniques, active listening skills and influencing skills
- Understanding the skills, principles and practice of effective management
This course is recognised by ILM
Dates: 20,21,22 November
Location: Virgin Money Lounge,Centre of Cardiff
1 Day Introduction to Coaching
Developing a coaching culture can provide professionals with rich tools and resources to drive performance and raise standards within the workplace.
Leaders are self-reflective practitioners, who can support the development of a coaching culture.
This one day training will give you the understanding of coaching through using the GROW model, you will take away strategies that you can begin to use within your establishment immediately.
Who should attend:
- Middle and senior leaders
- Newly appointed Managers
Course content:
- Difference between coaching and mentoring
- Understanding the GROW model
- Effective questioning and listening techniques
- Definition of clean language and the positive impact it has
- How to use clean language within a coaching conversation
Dealing with Difficult People
Holding solution focused conversations
Do you ever find yourself in a difficult situation with another member of staff? Struggle to work alongside certain people? Do we allow these relationships to have an impact on us?
If so, this 1 day programme will be perfect for you. Not only will you understand peoples behaviours but you will also go away with the tools to support you.
Who should attend:
- Staff that find themselves in difficult situations and would like to handle conflict in a productive manor
- Staff that hold performance management meetings
- Staff who lead groups of people
What we cover:
- Processes & Protections. What are they?
- Essential skills in relationship building. Developing rapport.
- Understanding relationships in work. Identifying who we relate to, self awareness, understanding others – What is conflict? Why does conflict occur? Symptoms and root causes
- Dealing with conflict - A framework for resolving conflict – Diffusion and protections - Giving you the tools and confidence to manage difficult people