“Stop, take stock!" was one of the quotes I remember! When life seems overwhelming, just stop, take stock and prioritise what is important. The course also gave me greater self confidence as I did have a lot of self doubt at the start but after using techniques such as self questioning it made making life decisions a little easier.
- Teacher, Pembrokeshire
- Teacher, Pembrokeshire
I enjoyed the session. For someone who suffers from time to time with bouts of anxiety, I found it very interesting to hear how she has trained her mind to overcome this feeling and to think about the bigger picture. I found some of her techniques useful and have found myself since asking myself questions: 'Why is this happening?'; 'What’s the worst that can happen?'; and 'How can I overcome it?'
- Senior Manager, Banking Group
- Senior Manager, Banking Group
Working with Tracey was an experience that I will look upon as life changing both on a professional and personal level. Tracey worked individually with the staff and myself. Teaching can be all encompassing and guilt-ridden. One of the things that we all appreciated about Tracey is her full understanding of maintaining a work-life balance. She helped us identify the challenges we face in trying to create this balance and how little tweaks can have a huge impact on our emotional well-being and personal life. As a relatively new head teacher my life totally revolved around school rather than on my family, myself or friends and this was having a negative impact on those around me. Tracey helped me understand that through spending quality time in both areas of my life that my enjoyment in both improves. She also helped me recognise that some things (curve balls) are beyond my control and supported me to focus on solutions rather than the problem. Tracey is a wonderful coach and mentor. I am so grateful to her for giving me the tools so that I can enjoy greater success in both my personal and professional life.
- Headteacher, Carmarthenshire
- Headteacher, Carmarthenshire
#The training day was very informative and interesting and also calming. The information received on stress management strategies such as positive self-talk, visual reminders, changing thinking patterns and habits and mind mapping was very useful. The staff involved in the project were all very positive about the personal coaching and felt better able to move on and cope with their everyday lives. I feel they were given time out to reflect on their own thinking and behaviour and make changes for the better. They wanted all staff to have a chance to have it!
- Headteacher Ceredigion
- Headteacher Ceredigion
This was an amazing and well-delivered course. The follow up sessions were of great use, as I was able to open up in a confidential session.
- Headteacher Pembrokeshire
- Headteacher Pembrokeshire
Chrysalis Training has been one of the best courses that I have undertaken in my entire career. Every session has impacted positively upon my wellbeing and has provided me with enhanced knowledge and understanding of coaching, habits, values, wellbeing and mindset."
- Senior Leader
- Senior Leader
The training has improved my mindset, and has made my outlook upon life more positive, in the way that I think, when I communicate with others both in work and personally. I was so inspired that I have read several of the course reading materials that was recommended. These books have also influenced my mindset allowing me to wake in the morning with more motivation, energy and focus.
From receiving the training, the course has given me the strength to remain positive during the COVID-19 outbreak. As this is something out of my control, I have not worried about the outbreak as much as I would have prior to receiving training. I have ensured that I have had a list of activities to carry out on a daily basis to keep me occupied and I have limited the amount of time engaging with social media as I know from the training that this could have a negative outcome on my wellbeing.
The training has certainly inspired me as a person as I feel more optimistic and I am more aware of when speaking to other people of their emotions and feelings. As a result of the course I have changed some of my negative habits, which prior to the course I did not realise they were habits!! This has impacted positively upon my life.
From working with staff I have reframed some of the language that they have used and developed my coaching skills with staff, which has proved successful. I would recommend everyone to undertake the training as it really does change the way you think and improve your life!